The following received the Estonian Olympic Committee decoration badge of merit (Eesti Olümpiakomitee teenetemärk), which is the highest recognition:
- Kaiu Kustasson – longtime sports executive of Pärnu County
- Peeter Mardna – sports medicine doctor, anti-doping spokesperson
- Meelis Milder – longtime supporter of the EOC
- Agnes Mägi – longtime sports medicine doctor
- Gunnar Press – sports journalist, chief editor of Olympics books and yearbooks
- Väino Treimann – speed skating coach
According to Meelis Milder (pictured right), a longtime supporter of the Estonian Olympic Committee, the recognition he has received is definitely special. “I certainly must emphasize that this is primarily the recognition of the effort of talented Monton and Baltica employees, whose contribution has been the basis of our long-term successful cooperation with the Estonian Olympic Committee. On behalf of my colleagues as well as myself, I would like to thank the Estonian Olympic Committee for the recognition awarded to me and for the opportunity to contribute to the Olympic movement.”
Estonian Olympic Committee president Urmas Sõõrumaa (pictured left): “The Estonian Olympic Committee decoration is our highest recognition, which is awarded for one’s contribution to the development of the Estonian Olympic and sports movement. Today’s decoration holders are all people whose pioneering and value-adding contribution to sports has been remarkable. I would like to thank the award recipients once more for contributing to the development of Estonian sport and Olympic movement.”
Estonian Olympic Committee has been awarding its decoration since 2006, and 62 persons have received it so far.